Friday, February 4, 2011

first blog..

wow....up at 3 am.....still!  my husband is snoring, and my mind won't shut off...typical. so this is the PERFECT time to start on my blog.......
i keep dreaming of creating this blog, yet can never seem to find the time, even though I am on my 4th day out of school....good ole' snow LOVE them, but teachers love them MORE!

well first of all, i should probably introduce myself......i am robin. i am a mom to an eight year old little girl, and a wife to a 35 year old man.  i love ANYTHING to do with art......hence the blog title "Bless Her He"ART"....i had been searching for the perfect name for my blog....(of course that has taken WAY too long, like my most of my decisions....) but anyways.....i was at "book club" (which has been taking a break from actually reading a book for a while.....and my daughter asks, "why is it called book club, if you aren't ACTUALLY reading a book?" in which case i responded...."well we just like to get together and talk and visit", and she says..."well why don't you just call it "Visiting Club" then?" GOOD QUESTION.....but doesn't book club sound alot more interesting?????? (and smarter?) i was looking for a name for my blog.....and at "book club" we played 'dirty santa'....and one of the gifts was the cutest wine glass which read..."Bless her heart, she doesn't even know she's tacky"...well, i totally loved right then and there, i stole it and made it mine......couldn't have been any more perfect.....

i have to apologize....i don't like using correct punctuation or capitals where i am supposed to...but please don't tell my 2nd graders......i also like using a lot of periods...................................................can you tell? oh, and i tend to get off subject just a teeny bit.

i love ART. i like to create it and look at it......i love to paint, craft, sing, cook, and sew (i'm a beginner.) i even like to take pictures...for fun....but not too good at, this is the journey of my life as a teacher/mom/painter/crafter/sewer/cook......i don''t know what my blog is going to turn out to be at this point......just taking it day by day....i hope to have some pictures ive done, maybe some crafts, sewing, maybe a little cooking, but i will NOT be singing for you......althought i do sing with praise band at church on sundays, which is one of the highlights of my week!

so, thanks for taking the time out to read what i have to say, when there are so many really  wonderful things  out there to read......

joy to you...rob

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