Friday, February 11, 2011

no- title-kind-of- day

it has been an eventful few days.......the SUN came out and is slowly melting all of this snow...THANK GOODNESS!  i love the snow, don't get me wrong, but i cannot have another day without routine.......i do NOT ever want to cook again.....(well except i am cooking tomorrow for a friend who got out of the hospital.....but that's no biggie...i would do ANYTHING for her)
What is it about food and snow?  ok, I joined Weight Watchers...AGAIN.......i love the program, but let me give you a little tip.......(in a whisper) (you actually have to do it for it to work!)  i KNOW!  crazy, right???  but really, i feel like i should win a prize for joining the MOST times.....buti did say this was the LAST time i am joining, because i am GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME!!!(and make lifetime, so i don't ever have to pay again)!  so now that i am blogging i'm going to have to be accountable to you........
Jennifer Hudson looks AWESOME!!!! She has inspired me..........

and so you know, i am also very ADD about dieting ,in case you hadn't noticed......i do great the first two weeks and i lose 5-10 lbs, then i think i can eat whatever.....???????seriously? 

so in the past few days i have been bouncing from project to project......i have half a pillow started, lots of flowers i have made, one completed necklace for my daughter, 2 banners to paint for my doors, some material ready to make a scarf, a necklace partway put together for myself, and a picture half painted for my sis in laws bday that was on wed.....throw that mixed in with going sledding with 3 children, 1 teenager, my mom and myself..........and YES, i did some sledding......honestly it was the MOST fun i have had in a LONG time.....and i didn't get hurt......i went down the hill twice, and walked up...that was the part that nearly killed me.......i thought they were gonna have to call 911...ok not really....i actually did pretty good......but i was huffin and puffin for SHO!  guess i really should exercise.........and i have a video to prove that i indeed did sled.....that is when my mom sends it to me.....and she also sledded.....i am proud of her......she is one, HIP GRAMI........
btw, is sledded a word?

so, guess what?  the kids wanted to go again today, so i drug myself off of the couch, tried to brush my hair and took mind you, i hadn't washed my hair in a couple of days and when i tell you it looked bad, that was an understatement! it was sticking straight up at the crown of my head......i wish i had taken a picture to show you how bad....ok, no i daughter actually said to me, "Momma, i think those people just honked at your hair."  she's a funny one.........

so, i decided i would post a picture of something that i DID was a canvas i was playing with this fall......wasn't really sure how it would turn out, still not sure, but my friend liked it and i gave it to her as one of her bday presents......
kinda messy, kinda fun..........gonna try more kinda like it........

and this.....sorry about the fuzzy picture.........i made this for my sister in is painted, collaged, then painted again........

this idea originally started out with an idea for our boss who was retiring....since we are an "arts academy" i thought it fitting we give her a piece of art created especially for i finally came up with the idea that i could make a vase and all of the teachers could make a flower to contribute...then i would add the finishing touches.......
and this is our finished product........
so then, i started making a few of my own as gifts........

ok, well i feel better!
have a wonderful night....blessings, rob

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


we are on our 6th straight day out of school. wow. never thought i would actually get tired of snow days. but i am. and i miss my kids. THERE, i said it. AND we have 100% chance of more snow tonight/ 5-10".......pretty sure we will be out the rest of this in OK we just aren't equipped with the resources to deal with all of this snow....

anyhoo.....i AM prepared.....i went to the store last night.....and more importantly, went to Hobby Lobby.  I bought more fabric, ANOTHER glue gun (shhh, please don't tell my hubby...i have like 5-6 now.....yes, it's pathetic and a sickness). I bought two twin sheets for the lining of my curtains, and 14 yards of turquoise pompom fringe for $4.62..SERIOUSLY?  i got a heck of a deal on that.....not sure EXACTLY what i'm going to do with it, but i have a few plans.

I have several projects i would like to do, and since i am posting on here what they are, MAYBE, just maybe i will feel obligated to finish and share them......MAYBE!

so, i'm still trying to figure out what direction i am going with this blog.....i have a few is that i show some of my projects and give tutorials, the other is that i just blog me, with projects, tutorials, cooking, and my life......OR, all of the above.......but for now, im just going to do what i have been doing........maybe the summer and breaks could be for tutorials....who knows.......

well, i took a break this afternoon from the computer, ventured out, and went to Hobby Lobby again...i know...another sickness of mine....

but i have some very exciting news.......are you ready?  the ice machine in my fridge IS WORKING again.........YIPPEE!!!!!  This is big news at my more ice trays, or bagged ice......just press the button and voila.....i know...its the simple things.

i would like to say that i got out to have dinner with some of my teacher friends, and it was hilarious......we have been out of school for over a week and met for dinner last night, so as soon as we sit down our mouths ran 90 to nothing the whole was, we REALLY needed that....maybe it will sustain us through the rest of snowmageddy or whatever they are calling it......i just call it heavenly......the unexpected break from life......enjoying my family, my dog, Roger (don't laugh), my bed, cooking, crafting, sleeping in, cooking at home (this is special), sewing, visiting with friends, starting my blog, getting more ideas.........

also, i was thinking about how i sign off...and well, joy to you...???? really?  that's kind of cousin uses what i say most which is Ciao, on her blog....well, can't use just unsure.....maybe it should be something new each time...depending on how im feeling?  yeah, thats what ill do...thanks for the help......:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

just a few words

ok....i'm reading over my blog....(kinda funny to do this AFTER i post, but that's how i roll).....and i have to apologize for being all over the place. BUT......that's who i am i suppose......that's what makes me, ME......i could say that i was gonna try and work on this, i could say that i was gonna try to stay on topic, i could say that i would edit BEFORE i post, but that would probably be a lie....and my parents taught me not to lie.

my mom also told me 7 million and three times that "pretty is as pretty does."  she even painted it on the front of my dressing table......and although at the time i thought, ok, ok, mom, yes i know i know that it was very wise.....and now i say it to my daughter.  yes, i am my mother, or i strive to be. she is an incredible woman.

joy to you...rob

Guess What?

yep, we are out of school AGAIN!  i know.....this is craziness!  but i guess i should just enjoy it while i can. ok, done.

so, did i mention that i love the word swanky?  i do.

and my husband just asked me "are you gonna blog through the super bowl?  I laughed out loud. YEP,I am.....i asked him if he cared, and he told me no, but that it WAS the last fb game of the football......don't get me wrong...i do enjoy college football (boomer sooner) BUT, i can only take so much...especially because i can't sit still and do nothing for that long.
(although i am sad for is his "other" love.)

today i am going to show you my mantle that was inspired from the snow day a couple of weeks ago........

this flower painting is probably one of my favorite pieces of art to daughter painted it for me one summer at an art "Christmas camp".......she was in kdg i believe.  she also did the snowman. i have a really hard time hanging up art that isn't either by my daughter, myself, or someone else i know.  i'm strange like that.

well, i'm off to paint, collage or sew...or eat (lol).....have a 'swanky' night! heehee
joy to you, rob

Saturday, February 5, 2011

a few of my projects

today has been uneventful.....we have been off schedule for 6 days now....and i will admit, it is starting to get to me......all i want to do is eat.....i really don't think i could stay at home full-time.....but i have made LOTS of flowers, started a pillow, made canvas banners to paint, sewed a curtain for my craft room, AND cooked some really yummy night i made The Pioneer Woman's Chicken Tortilla Soup.....(although i did change a few things) look below at the finished product....


I also made my own Pineapple used to be Mango Salsa.....but sometimes i leave out the this week it was Pineapple Salsa!
it is so yummy, fresh, easy, and healthy!!(especially yummy on a cold, snowy night! ha!)  ok, it is my favorite summer salsa, but i was craving it.....

Robin's Pineapple-Mango Salsa
i don't really do use your best

1 whole fresh pineapple (or 1-2 cans of pineapple tidbits)
6-8 Roma tomatoes, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
1-2 garlic cloves, minced
1 bunch cilantro, de-stemmed(if that's a word) and chopped
10-12 jarred, sliced jalepenos, chopped
1-2 tbsp of lime juice
sea salt and Lawrey's to taste
(I like it better if it has had alittle bit to sit in the fridge)
Serve with tortilla chips!

And one last little thing......i made this frame for a friend for Christmas......i bought a cheap, unfinished frame from Michael's, painted the edges and back black, cut scrapbook to fit, Mod Podged it on (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this stuff), sanded the edges, glued the bow and flower on, and TA-DA!

joy to you....rob
sweet dreams!

Friday, February 4, 2011

snow, flowers, a movie, and iNsPiRaTioN

so, guess what?  we were snowed in again...big shocker........4 days in a row. and i have LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!  ok, well not EVERY minute...but most of them, especially since i actually felt like a woman this evening, took a shower, put on makeup, AND fixed my hair...AND put on something other than my pajama pants......and braved the messy roads to travel about 5 blocks to our "other home." (our favorite restraunt in town...Mahylons) so, it was nice to get out.......and hang out with friends....:)

it pretty much snowed ALL day mind you, Oklahoma has been blasted with snow....about 8-10 inches where we live, and another 6 today.....we are not USED to this....nor are we prepared......

so, i was talking to my mom this morning and she said "you have a blog"....i said yes, i have had it for a while, but actually WROTE on it for the first time early this morning......she noticed that i haven't put any of my art or anything on here...and i said you are right......that's it......and that is because i am technologically (is that a word?) challenged.....i mean i DID figure out how to do this blog, which is a small miracle i WILL figure out how to upload my pictures on my computer from my camera.....I know how to do this usually, but i was actually trying to use my usb to load them on my comp, directly from my camera......well after a while i gave up....andy(my 35 yr old husband) informed me that i had to install the software program first.....(new laptop).....i'm so glad i married that guy.....he takes care of me.

ok. since i LOVe to create, paint, craft, etc......i have actually done some of this week.......  i attempted my first curtain this week.....i took a beginner sewing class for 6 or 8 weeks,( i can't remember,) this past fall...and of course i HAD to have a new sewing my sweet husband got me a real nice one for my bday( i turned 29...he married younger!) even emroiderers, not sure how to do that yet! this first curtain is for my new  crap "craft room" cover the crap craft stuff in the closet.....

and i have also made LOTS of flowers.......
photo.jpg           photo.jpg      
sorry for the "not-so-good-pics" they were taken on my iphone.......
now, do i know i'm gonna do with these flowers????? nope, not yet.  maybe that will come tomorrow, maybe it won't. we'll see........

ok, totally different we watched Secretariat tonight...what a wonderful movie......but even better was the song at the end....yes, i am a music lover/ i held up my iphone and tried using shazam trying to figure out the song and who sang, i googled it......i LOVE google.....and found the song, lyrics, and video.......i SOOOO love the lyrics and what they's amazing how a song can touch you so deeply.....i hope it does the same for you.

(and if i have done this correctly, you can click the link below and hear the song for yourself) maybe a 50/50 chance.......good luck!
*i also attached the lyrics.....:) enjoy

i have aLOT more to say, but i'm pooped after going to bed at 5am today.....
so, joy to you.....rob

AJ Michalka - "It's Who You Are" Music Video
It's Who You Are
It's not the price
It's not the game
It's not the score
It's not the fame
Whatever road looks way too far
It's not what you have
It's who you are
It's not how fast
It's not how far
It's not of cheers
It's who you are
In darkest night
You make your sun
You choose your race
And then you run
It's never the glory
It's never the score
It's not about seeing about who's less and who's more
Cuz when you find out how fast and how far
You'll know it's not how much you have
It's who you are
You lose the moon
Then be a star
It's not too soon
Be who you are
Whatever road looks way too far
It's not what you have
It's who you are
It's never the glory
It's never the score
It's not seeing about seeing
Who's less and who's more
Cuz when you find out how fast and how far
You'll know it's not how much you have
It's who you are
When you have found
How fast you can run
When you have found
Your place in the sun,
It won't be just you that you'll find
Has made the run and the climb
It's everyone
It's never the glory
It's never the score
It's not seeing about seeing
Who's less and who's more
Cuz when you find out how fast and how far
you'll know it's not how much you have
It's who you are
It's who you are
Learning to bend and not to break
Living to give more than you take
Dying to live
Living to try
Feet on the ground
Dreams in the sky
It's never how much you have
It's who you are

first blog..

wow....up at 3 am.....still!  my husband is snoring, and my mind won't shut off...typical. so this is the PERFECT time to start on my blog.......
i keep dreaming of creating this blog, yet can never seem to find the time, even though I am on my 4th day out of school....good ole' snow LOVE them, but teachers love them MORE!

well first of all, i should probably introduce myself......i am robin. i am a mom to an eight year old little girl, and a wife to a 35 year old man.  i love ANYTHING to do with art......hence the blog title "Bless Her He"ART"....i had been searching for the perfect name for my blog....(of course that has taken WAY too long, like my most of my decisions....) but anyways.....i was at "book club" (which has been taking a break from actually reading a book for a while.....and my daughter asks, "why is it called book club, if you aren't ACTUALLY reading a book?" in which case i responded...."well we just like to get together and talk and visit", and she says..."well why don't you just call it "Visiting Club" then?" GOOD QUESTION.....but doesn't book club sound alot more interesting?????? (and smarter?) i was looking for a name for my blog.....and at "book club" we played 'dirty santa'....and one of the gifts was the cutest wine glass which read..."Bless her heart, she doesn't even know she's tacky"...well, i totally loved right then and there, i stole it and made it mine......couldn't have been any more perfect.....

i have to apologize....i don't like using correct punctuation or capitals where i am supposed to...but please don't tell my 2nd graders......i also like using a lot of periods...................................................can you tell? oh, and i tend to get off subject just a teeny bit.

i love ART. i like to create it and look at it......i love to paint, craft, sing, cook, and sew (i'm a beginner.) i even like to take pictures...for fun....but not too good at, this is the journey of my life as a teacher/mom/painter/crafter/sewer/cook......i don''t know what my blog is going to turn out to be at this point......just taking it day by day....i hope to have some pictures ive done, maybe some crafts, sewing, maybe a little cooking, but i will NOT be singing for you......althought i do sing with praise band at church on sundays, which is one of the highlights of my week!

so, thanks for taking the time out to read what i have to say, when there are so many really  wonderful things  out there to read......

joy to you...rob